The commitee. Laura, Heidi, Erin, Carmen and Brittani. Shawna and Brook couldn't make it but helped tons.

Kate won for having a diaper in her purse...I was surprised that she was the only one.

Racing to be the first to grab the bean bags

Everyone was so fast

What's in your purse?

This was a fun game

Lyndsay and Kara

Karen is so cute

you ladies are hilarious.......we love you

Jill and Cami

Looks yummy Natalie

Erin and I serving our pink and brown dessert

the weigh in...how heavy is your purse?
Amanda won for heaviest purse at 4 pounds.

Sister Harker( our Stake Relief Society President) gave a wonderful, hilarious, spiritual and inspiring talk. Thanks for coming. We love you.

Paulette is happy to be here......

Erin weighing the purses and having the ladies enter for door prizes

Our yummy soups
Thanks so much for all who helped and participated. What a fun night. I really felt that we were inspired by Sister Harker. I am so happy she was able to come. It was so fun to play the games together and I loved that we all got to chat and get to know one another better. You ladies were hilarious in the games. I loved that last game. You girls raced hard. We have a fantastic group of ladies in our ward.....that is for sure. Thanks so much ........Laura